36 research outputs found

    Les Varietats minoritàries de les Illes Balears

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    És conegut i palpable l'interès creixent per les varietats minoritàries de vinya en les diferents comunitats de tot el territori espanyol. Aquest interès respon, en la majoria dels casos, a una recerca d'originalitat i tipicitat del vi lligada a la regió. La recuperació, la protecció i la difusió d'aquestes varietats minoritàries té també, a més d'importància econòmica, importància des del punt de vista cultural i patrimonial, ja que representa la preservació del patrimoni vitícola de la regió i, per tant, un fre a l'erosió genètica que afecta aquest cultiu. L'estudi més complet de la col· lecció de les Illes Balears es va centrar en la caracterització i l'avaluació de l'aptitud enològica d'aquestes varietats, dins del projecte «Caracterización morfológica y agronómica de variedades autóctonas de Baleares y evaluación de su aptitud enológica: composición antociánica y perfil aromático». Gràcies a aquest estudi, disposem de la descripció ampelogràfica i agronòmica de les varietats analitzades, a més d'un coneixement del seu potencial enològic (Escalona et al., 2009a i 2009b). En aquesta comunicació es presenta un resum dels resultats obtinguts i, per tant, una descripció de les varietats més interessants.Es conocido y palpable el interés por las variedades minoritarias de vid en todo el territorio español. Este interés responde, en la mayoría de los casos, a una búsqueda de originalidad y tipicidad ligada a la región. La recuperación, protección y difusión de estas variedades minoritarias tiene una importancia no sólo económica sino también desde el punto de vista cultural y patrimonial, ya que supone la preservación del patrimonio vitícola de la región y por lo tanto un freno a la erosión genética que afecta a este cultivo. El estudio más completo de la colección de variedades de las Islas Baleares se centró en su caracterización y en la evaluación de su aptitud enológica, dentro del proyecto «Caracterización morfológica y agronómica de variedades autóctonas de Baleares y evaluación de su aptitud enológica: composición antociánica y perfil aromático». Gracias a este estudio, se dispone actualmente de su descripción ampelográfica y agronómica, así como de un conocimiento de su potencial enológico (Escalona et al., 2009a y 2009b). En la presente comunicación se presenta un resumen de los resultados obtenidos y, por lo tanto, una descripción de las variedades más interesantes

    Aplicación Integrada de la Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz

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    En este trabajo se describen las necesidades del Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico para desarrollar el Sistema de Información Integrado de Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz. El objetivo es crear un sistema de acceso y gestión uniforme a la información dispersa en diversas bases de datos que han sido creadas por grupos de trabajo independientes. Para ello, se propone un modelo de arquitectura, basado en XML, que permite el acceso uniforme a bases de datos heterogéneas y distribuidas

    Lineal and cartesian graphics modes of representations in understanding of numerical sequence concept in secondary school students

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    Esta investigación forma parte de un trabajo cuyo objetivo es la compresión del concepto de sucesión numérica en los estudiantes de secundaria. El enfoque proporcionado por distintos investigadores en relación a los modos de representación y las aportaciones de Piaget y García en relación al desarrollo de un esquema a través de los niveles intra, inter y trans, nos proporciona información sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión del concepto de sucesión numérica a través del uso de los modos de representación gráficos, lineal y cartesiano, por parte de los estudiantes en la resolución de una tarea.The present paper is part of research that addresses the compression of the concept of numerical sequence in secondary school students. The perspective provided by the work of Piaget & Garcia related to the development of a scheme through several levels (intra, inter and trans), it provides empirical evidence of how the students’ use of the modes of representations when solving a task provides information of the development of understanding. This use allows us to go deep about the stages in the development of numerical sequence concep

    Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis under water stress in field-grown grapevines

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    Long-term induced water stress in field-grown grapevine leads to a progressive decline of stomatal conductance, accompanied by a decrease in CO2 assimilation (40%). The apparent quantum yield also decreases (59%), which may reflect a relative increase in alternative processes for electron consumption. There is also a shift to non-stomatal regulation, as judged from significant depletions (37%) in maximum photosynthesis rate at saturating CO2 related to limited ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) regeneration, whereas small, non-significant effects are observed on carboxylation efficiency. A high correlation (87%) between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance is observed for all experimental data and declines in intercellular CO2 concentration parallel reductions in stomatal conductance. The data show that field response of grapevines to increasing soil water deficit involves stomatal and non-stomatal effects but, due to gradually induced drought, regulation mechanisms able to adjust mesophyll capacity to the average CO2 supply. The non-stomatal adjustment seems to be exerted mainly in metabolic pathways related with the RuBP regeneration. Contrasting characteristics were observed for both cultivars. Tempranillo exploited the non-stressful conditions successfully, whereas Manto Negro, responding to its reputation as more drought resistant, showed a higher intrinsic water use efficiency, particularly for low water availability. This advantage seems to be due to lower non-stomatal limitationsThe financial support from CICYT-Project AGF94-0687 and AGF97-1180 of the Plan Nacional (Spain) is gratefully acknowledged. J.M.E. was granted from Beca F.P.I. by the M.E.C. and J.F. enjoyed a Beca de Investigación of U.I.B. We also wish to thank Herderos de Ribas S.A. (Mallorca) for their contribution and the field management of the experimental vineyard.Peer reviewe

    Comparing Selection Criteria to Select Grapevine Clones by Water Use Efficiency

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    The current climate change is forcing growth-adapted genotypes with a higher water use efficiency (WUE). However, the evaluation of WUE is being made by different direct and indirect parameters such as the instantaneous leaf WUE (WUE) and isotopic discrimination of carbon (δC) content of fruits. In the present work, WUE has been evaluated in these two ways in a wide collection of grapevine genotypes, including Tempranillo and Garnacha clones, and Tempranillo on different rootstocks (T-rootstocks). A total of 70 genotypes have been analysed in four experimental fields over two years. The parameters used to measure WUE were the bunch biomass isotopic discrimination (δC) and the intrinsic WUE (WUE), defined as the ratio between net CO assimilation and stomatal conductance. The genotypes with the highest and lowest WUE were identified, differences between them being found to be of more than 10%. Generally, the two parameters showed coincidences in the clones with the highest and lowest WUE, suggesting that both are valuable tools to classify genotypes by their WUE in grapevine breeding programs. However, δC seemed to be a better indicator for determining WUE because it represents the integration over the synthesis time of the sample analysed (mainly sugars from ripening grapes), which coincides with the driest period for the crop. Moreover, the WUE is a variable parameter in the plant and it is more dependent on the environmental conditions. The present work suggests that carbon isotopic discrimination could be an interesting parameter for the clonal selection criteria in grapevines by WUE. The main reasons were its better discrimination between clones, the fact that sampling is less time-consuming and easier to do than WUE, and that the samples can be stored for late determinations, increasing the number of samples that can be analysed.This work was carried out with financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades–Agencia Estatal de Investigación/_AGL2017-83738-C3-1-R) and a pre-doctoral fellowship (PRE2019-089110) with a narrow collaboration inside the Associated Unit ICVV-INAGEA.UIB

    Genetic variation of plant water status, water use efficiency and grape yield and quality in response to soil water availability in grapevine

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    Póster presentado en el 28th International Horticultural Congress, celebrado del 22 al 27 de agosto de 2010 en Lisboa (Portugal)Peer Reviewe

    Genotype Variations in Water Use Efficiency Correspond with Photosynthetic Traits in Tempranillo Grapevine Clones

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    Mediterranean viticulture is highly dependent on soil water availability. Moreover, global warming is likely to increase average temperatures and the frequency of heat waves, thus leading to greater water scarcity. To cope with this situation, much research focused on the selection of genotypes with higher water use efficiency (WUE). Several previous studies indicated that WUE varies between genotypes of the Tempranillo cultivar with some showing interesting improvement in the leaf WUE. Here, we assessed the associations between the leaf WUE and physiological parameters in six selected Tempranillo clones. The plants were cultivated in pots and two water conditions were applied sequentially: a well-watered period followed by a moderate water stress and recovery phase. Growth parameters and intrinsic WUE were monitored during both periods. Pressure–volume and AN/Ci curves were measured after the plants were re-watered. At the end of the season, biomass accumulation and total irrigation water were used to calculate whole plant WUE (WUEWP). AN/Ci curves revealed significant differences in several photosynthetic parameters, including mesophyll conductance (gm), maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax) and leaf respiration (R). Clones RJ51 and 1048 both exhibited high WUE, but presented distinct physiological traits: RJ51 had the highest gm, while genotype 1048, had the lowest R. This study confirms that physiological traits generally explain the intracultivar diversity in WUE observed in previous studies.Peer reviewe

    Genotype Variations in Water Use Efficiency Correspond with Photosynthetic Traits in Tempranillo Grapevine Clones

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    Mediterranean viticulture is highly dependent on soil water availability. Moreover, global warming is likely to increase average temperatures and the frequency of heat waves, thus leading to greater water scarcity. To cope with this situation, much research focused on the selection of genotypes with higher water use efficiency (WUE). Several previous studies indicated that WUE varies between genotypes of the Tempranillo cultivar with some showing interesting improvement in the leaf WUE. Here, we assessed the associations between the leaf WUE and physiological parameters in six selected Tempranillo clones. The plants were cultivated in pots and two water conditions were applied sequentially: a well-watered period followed by a moderate water stress and recovery phase. Growth parameters and intrinsic WUE were monitored during both periods. Pressure–volume and AN/Ci curves were measured after the plants were re-watered. At the end of the season, biomass accumulation and total irrigation water were used to calculate whole plant WUE (WUEWP). AN/Ci curves revealed significant differences in several photosynthetic parameters, including mesophyll conductance (gm), maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax) and leaf respiration (R). Clones RJ51 and 1048 both exhibited high WUE, but presented distinct physiological traits: RJ51 had the highest gm, while genotype 1048, had the lowest R. This study confirms that physiological traits generally explain the intracultivar diversity in WUE observed in previous studies

    From leaf to whole-plant water use efficiency (WUE) in complex canopies: Limitations of leaf WUE as a selection target

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    Plant water use efficiency (WUE) is becoming a key issue in semiarid areas, where crop production relies on the use of large volumes of water. Improving WUE is necessary for securing environmental sustainability of food production in these areas. Given that climate change predictions include increases in temperature and drought in semiarid regions, improving crop WUE is mandatory for global food production. WUE is commonly measured at the leaf level, because portable equipment for measuring leaf gas exchange rates facilitates the simultaneous measurement of photosynthesis and transpiration. However, when those measurements are compared with daily integrals or whole-plant estimates of WUE, the two sometimes do not agree. Scaling up from single-leaf to whole-plant WUE was tested in grapevines in different experiments by comparison of daily integrals of instantaneous water use efficiency [ratio between CO assimilation (A) and transpiration (E); A/E] with midday A/E measurements, showing a low correlation, being worse with increasing water stress. We sought to evaluate the importance of spatial and temporal variation in carbon and water balances at the leaf and plant levels. The leaf position (governing average light interception) in the canopy showed a marked effect on instantaneous and daily integrals of leaf WUE. Night transpiration and respiration rates were also evaluated, as well as respiration contributions to total carbon balance. Two main components were identified as filling the gap between leaf and whole plant WUE: the large effect of leaf position on daily carbon gain and water loss and the large flux of carbon losses by dark respiration. These results show that WUE evaluation among genotypes or treatments needs to be revised.This work was performed with financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project AGL2011-30408-C04-01) and from Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Universidades (Govern de les Illes Balears) and the European Social Fund through the ESF Operational Programme for the Balearic Islands 2013–2017 (project PD/027/2013).Peer Reviewe